Windows 10 tweaks for gaming
Windows 10 tweaks for gaming

I was hoping I could obtain the necessary information on deciding how to treat my PC in order to get the BEST out of Counter-Strike, I don't want to handicap myself when I want to achieve the competitive edge - Do I leave everything on the defaults? I've dedicated my PC towards CSGO to maintain my near 3k elo on FaceIT, meaning I only have steam, teamspeak, spotify, google chrome and FaceIT anti-cheat. I've messed around with HPET, timer resolutions and the program called Auto Fixer that deletes certain windows features that aren't necessary as well as the aforementioned Regedit tweaks. I'm religious when it comes to my PC's performance and when I read that there's something that I could do to make my PC work even better, I tend to give it a go - Google is riddled with regedit tweak suggestions, CPU core unparking, GPU priority and what not, however I wanted to know how relevant it is.

Windows 10 tweaks for gaming